Boll Deluxe 2.1.1 Old Engine
Welcome to 2.1.1 Old engine! This was a quick update we made in 4 months while we were beginning to set up stuff for the Recode, and surprisingly it's become one of the biggest updates in Boll history, so here it is!
See you in the recode!
* Changes since v2.1 Old Engine Patch*
- Added Crates
- Added Beep Blocks
- Replaced Dark Area Spawners with a Region Darkness button in lemon
- Added Lightbulbs
- Added a Biome option to Asset Anchors
- Overhauled Urchins
- Added Level Skins (refer to the Modding, Skinning, and Lemon document for more info)
- Overhauled Banzai Bills
- Added 25 new strings to language files related to errors
- Added Sideways Gates
- Added Bob-ombs and Lit Bob-ombs
- Fireball Shooters
- Sonic moveset Overhaul
- Ashura moveset Overhaul
- Mario moveset Overhaul
- Luigi moveset Overhaul
- Added Time Attack gamemode, beat Boll Team's times!
(time attack will read either a charm's replay.png or timeattack.png)
- Added Co-Op gamemode
- Gamemode can be selected in Match Options
- Added a Custom Music button to Lemon
- Added Time Monitors
- Added Spike Crushers
- Added Jet Streams
- Added Screen Transition Triggers
- Added 'Fun mode' to Lemon
- Added Music and Sound options to Lemon
- Added more Terrain Spring directions and Green Terrain Springs
- New Clockwork Biome
- New Abstract Biome
- Added Decor Tyler
- Added One-Way Doors
- Added Gobbles
- Added Variable Blocks
- Added Channel Masters
- Added Bop Blocks
- Added Segmented Displays
- Added Thwimps
- Added Pokeys
- Added Blue Parakoopas
- Added Gear Platforms
- Added Sambas to lemon
- Added Separated Music and Sound volume sliders
-Added singlereload command that reloads the character's code you're playing as
-Added changecharacter command
[Design Changes]
- Gave Amy her old fire projectile
- Monitors have bigger hitboxes now
- Rexes have bigger hitboxes now
- Removed Mario's slidekick and double jump
- Mario's dive now produces smoke and gives an upward boost
- Mario starting a groundpound now has an invulnerability window
- The Kid can now carry objects like Mario
- You can now carry corks as Mario, Luigi, Wario, and The Kid
- Stomped rexes are now faster
- Added console command 'showfps' that displays your locked FPS
- Added console command 'showbuttons' that displays your button inputs
- All moving platforms are now semisolid
- Roster cards with swap characters now show a blinking C button when hovered over
- Holding up when jumping
- Sonic ramps off buzzy beetles now
- Sonic characters now roll off slopes with momentum properly
- P-Switches now have gravity
- Disabled the movement lock on Mecha Sonic's charge dash
- Tails got a few moveset tweaks
- Lava is no longer solid
- Corks and Stones now sink slower in lava
- Removed Peelout from Sonic
- Key doors can now have multiple keys as a requirement
- Removed Bump Block option from Note Blocks
- Wario can now break Cracked Ground by ground pounding
- You can now rectange fill water and use the selection tool on water in Lemon
- Sonic characters can now ramp off slopes properly
- Mario can dive underwater now
- The Kid can now carry objects
- Shooting a shell as The Kid will now halt the shell's spinning
- Mecha now gains a speed boost when killing an enemy while spinning
[Graphical Changes]
- Resprited Goombas
- Resprited Koopas
- Resprited Rexes
- Resprited Thwomps
- Resprited Piranha plants
- Resprited Fire Piranha plants
- Resprited Bullet Bills and Bullseye Bills
- Resprited Boos
- Resprited Bob-ombs
- Resprited Spike
- Resprited Spikeballs
- Resprited Monitors
- Resprited Urchins
- Resprited Dry Bones
- Resprited Bloopers
- Resprited Bullet Bills
- Resprited Hammer Bros
- Resprited Pokeys
- Resprited Cheep Cheeps
- Resprited many Sonic animations
- Resprited a few Ashura animations
- Resprited Doors
- Resprited Fire and Boomerang Bros
- Resprited The Kid
- Resprited and added many new animations for all characters
- Updated loading screen, player spawn object with an updated SMB1 Sonic sprite
- Banzai Bill Launchers now have a launching effect
- Added different breaking particles for hardblocks, cracked ground, big bricks, and crates
- Added a Badnik Explosion particle
- Resprited a few of Knuckles' animations
- Resprited a few of Super Sonic's animations
- Resprited a few of Toad's animations
- Added a new Glide Turn animation for Knuckles
- Characters in the result screen of gamemodes now have different poses
- Donut Blocks now respawn after 6 seconds
- Fang's flag now displays his emblem
- Sonic's flag has been updated
- Knuckles' flag has been updated
- Tails' flag has been updated
- Super Sonic's flag has been updated
- Ashura's flag has been updated
- Updated Mecha Sonic's roll animation
- Multiple characters have piping sprites
- Yoshi now has a walk animation
- Added 'pumpkin' and 'bigpumpkin' assets with variations
- Added 'ripepumpkin' asset
- Added 'butterfly' asset with variations
- Updated Desert's ground tileset
- Updated Beach Tileset
- Updated Underground's ground tileset to only have surface light instead of light on the whole tileset
- Added 'Pitfall' asset to tiles sheet for tylers to use
- Resprited the Starman
- Changed the Bonus biome background
- Resprited Lava and Water
- Resprited palmtree assets
- Added 'palmtree2' asset
- Added 'barrel' asset with variations
- Added 'deadtree' asset
- Added 'grave' asset
- Added 'brokencart' asset
- Added new bridge tiles to certain biomes
- Resprited Conveyors
- Resprited P-Switches
- Resprited Delfruits
- Resprited POW blocks
- Resprited Castle and Desert background tiles
- Resprited Tree Platforms
- Added 'pipefov2' asset
- Added 'tallflower3' asset
- Resprited Retainer Toads
- Factory is a bit more colorful now
- Resprited 'widebowserstatue' asset
- Snow Biome Terrain Tiles cleaned up
- Snow background's is now dawn
- Snow Tree asset resprited
- Added enemy colorations in other biomes
- Added item colorations in other biomes
- Bush asset was cleaned up
- Air Bubbles from stream pipes and players now animate
- Air Bubbles from stream pipes can now be popped by players
- Updated all object sprites in Lemon
- Spiny shells are cleaned up with more shading
- Giana's basic animations have been cleaned up
- Biomes now have alot more coloration for objects and enemies
[Audio Changes]
- Changed Lemon Music
- Added more Lemon interaction sounds
- P-Switches now play a sound when pressed
- Gates now have opening and closing sounds
- Buttons now have pressing sounds
- There are now sounds when something explodes
- Tails' superfly now has a new sound
- Thwomps now make a landing sound
- New sound for stomping enemies
- Added a spikedamage sound
- Mario's dive and spinjump has new sounds
- Timer blocks no longer make sound
[Level Changes]
- Redid 1-1
- Tweaked 1-2
- Moved 1-Feather entrance
- Moved Minus World entrance
- Redid 4-2
- Redid 5-1
- World 5 has been revamped
- Redid the minus world
- Added a few butterflies to World 1
- Several minor level tweaks throughout
- Replaced a few poison mushrooms in the later worlds with mini mushrooms
[Bugs Fixed]
- Fixed spikeball rendering
- Yoshi can swim now
- Animations now restart when swimming as most characters
- Animations now restart when firing projectiles as most characters
- Ashura's teleport animation now resets when teleporting
- Red ring displays can now be changed with charm custom HUDs
- Mario, Sonic, and Wario's fire projectiles no longer kill Dry Bones, Bulls-eye Bills, Banzai Bills, nor both Cannonball types,
- Fixed warpboxes being visually offset from their placed tile
- Fixed locked warpboxes not taking keys from you
- Fixed doors and warpboxes in lemon getting stuck in their locked state after selecting it
- Fixed Charm death controllers not reading from the player's frame number, causing it to not animate
- Mario can no longer skid and carry something at the same time to cause a glitched sprite
- On/Off screens are now activated offscreen
- Fixed string antivirus error not appearing correctly sometimes
- Blank spaces no longer show up inbetween the families in Lemon
- Fixed numerous crashes related to Lemon
- Fixed bomb badnik projectiles hurting the player with hurt type "hammer"
- Corks no longer bob on top of water to stop the player from clipping through them
- Vines now have proper sheet rendering
- Converting 1.9 exceptions no longer sets the biome to "Error!" if it can't find a biome to replace it with
- Setting a level's description to "no card" should now actually skip the card like Lemon does instead of not defining everything that the card needs to function
- Banzai Bills now break bricks properly
- Explosions now break bricks properly
- Solid spikes now hurt you correctly
- Explosions no longer hurt you if you have a star
- Bumpers now cancel most player moves preventing you from getting softlocked in certain positions
- Pollen flowers now cancel most player moves preventing you from getting softlocked in certain positions
- Yoshi's tongue no longer draws a debug value
- Fixed cracked brick overlay not moving with regular brick sprite
- Fixed an issue where scale tag for text blocks only affected text vertically
- Fixed the game from using an empty font when the settings file fails to load
- Starman particles now draw in full
- Spiny Eggs revert to their regular behaviour upon leaving water
- Fire Piranha Plants now use the correct sprites to face the player when upside down
- When jumping from a spin bowser stays in his shell
- Bowser's projectiles now damage boss bowser
- Fixed Bowser collecting a fire flower
- Fixed Bowser being able to fire while ground pounding
- Fixed weird player behavior with Free Moving Platforms
- Ashura's instashield now activates at the end of a teleport instead of the start
- Lemon undo now persists through Lemon testing
- Lemon reference image now persists through Lemon testing
- 'Restart Stage' button now actually restarts in Lemon
- Lemon now actually checks if the lemon buffer exists before attempting to delete it after lemon testing
- Fixed a bug where clear red rings would set the stat "clear rings collected" to one more than the stat "grey rings collected" when collected
- Ported alot of Mario fixes to Luigi
- Luigi's fire projectile no longer has glitched rendering
- Fixed every character using player 1's skin in results screen
- Fixed bug where the game would always increment the stage count even if you were respawning from dying
- Time counter now always plays systemregister when finishing the countdown instead of only doing it when infinite time is on
- Lemon no longer loads into a completely empty level if you win the stage in any way while testing
- Knuckles no longer plays the spin sfx upon hitting the floor when holding down while landing from a glide
- Added light emission to boss Bowser's fire missiles
- Added light emission to all Enemy Fireballs
- Fixed light emission offset for Monitors
- Fixed light emission offset for Podoboos
- Minusbowser object no longer tries to continue using 1.9's enemy sheet system
- Fang uses the correct animation for flagpole holding
- Fang changes size after collecting a mushroom while mini
- Fixed a variable only set when not lemon testing being compared to a string causing errors while lemon testing
- Fixed behaviour where you can only ever hit one hittable at a time
- Bowser's hammers no longer set their owner to noone immediately after being created
- Bowser no longer does the hammer throwing animation if he can't currently throw a hammer
- mus_init() no longer DELETES YOUR ENTIRE SAVE FILE and force-closes the game if it cant find certain music files
- Fixed Bowser not breaking Cracked Ground
- Fixed Bowser's fire killing buzzy beetles
- Fixed Bowser jumping in his shell after entering a pipe through a spin
- Dark Areas no longer glitch out the game's colors when playing a level
- Dark Areas now disappear when finishing a level
- Bowser no longer has a hardcoded light radius
- Fixed a specific tile of ground not rendering correctly
- Fixed foreground blendmode overlay not working correctly
- Fixed white Void in Volcano's below background
- You can now multiselect and change variables with objects again
- I-Readers no longer try to read a value from below it's source tile
- Fixed not being able to enter bonus target name for long item boxes
- Crabmeat has been realigned correctly
- Blue Koopa spindash dust no longer has ridiculous horizontal speed
- Characters now acknowledge the damage_player_on_contact variable
- Character projectiles and damagers now ignore/get destroyed by numerous enemies
- Fixed The Kid's death count not showing with the infinite lives option enabled
- Fixed Mario and Luigi not autocrouching in 1 tile tall gaps
- Fixed Sonic Characters not having zoomtube behavior in 1 tile tall gaps
-Fixed the extra pages on the roster broken and disabled mods will no longer count towards making a new charm pag
[Other Changes]
- Added keycards to the items tab in Lemon
- Vanilla characters now show higher up on the list than charms in the Lemon character list
- Removed gamemaker check from rostercursor so you can CTRL+SHIFT the roster to select characters with the same controller
- Added bloopers to cheep cheep lemon family
- Music option on main menu no longer only shows ogg files
- The default language file has had the "ogg" in the option description changed to "audio"
- Changed vanilla charm error message from "in data folder" to "in vanilla folder"
- Removed a cause of huge boot load times
- Pressing Escape during gameplay will no longer quit the game if you've played more than one stage
- Default Lemon time for a new file is now 300 instead of 150
- Hazard tab in Lemon has been reorganized
- Technical tab in Lemon has been reorganized
[Engine Technology]
- Lemon now saves and loads with .lemon files (old lemon.png files are still supported)
- Added 12 new slots to Lemon tabs
- Optimized Orbinauts
- All objects that use create code from Spawners now use string_execute() instead of execute_string()
- Added object_event_* functions to the string antivirus
- Added a safe-code equivalent of file_text_open_[read / write / append]() to open_text()
- Added a safe-code equivalent of file_text_write_[string / real / ln]() to write_text()
- Added a safe-code equivalent of file_text_read_[string / real / ln] to read_text()
- Added an equivalent of file_text_close() to close_text()
- Added a safe-code equivalent of object_event_add() to object_setevent()
- Removed window_mouse_set from the string antivirus
- Removed window_mouse_get_x from the string antivirus
- Removed window_mouse_get_y from the string antivirus
- Added an equivalent of object_event_clear() to object_clearevent()
- Removed var from string antivirus
- Added more is_invincible() calls to objects
- Added com_breakblocks() script for charms
- Added com_item() script for charms
- Smoke particles are now more customizable in code
- Added charm variable 'prevent_spr_reset' that starts the next animation from the loop point rather than frame 0 (this will set it back to 0 after use)
- Added air bubble offset options for skins
- Optimized Bowser's collision code
- Optimized Starman's collision code
- Optimized Piranha Plants's collision code
- Optimized Fire Piranha Plants's collision code
- Optimized Spring collision code
- Optimized Sideways Spring collision code
- Optimized P-Switch collision code
- Optimized dead Dry Bones collision code
- Optimized Ground Cementing
- Slightly Optimized rendering of technical objects
- Added 'global.developer' variable that needs to be enabled through the source code to use the run command in the console
Get Boll Deluxe (beta)
Boll Deluxe (beta)
A Mario & Sonic crossover fan game.
Status | In development |
Author | Boll Team |
Genre | Platformer, Action |
Tags | 2D, Fangame, GameMaker, Level Editor, Local multiplayer, Moddable, Pixel Art, Retro, Singleplayer |
More posts
- Mario & Sonic Boll 2 Devlog #4 | How to make sprites smaller & Framerate Bigger!4 days ago
- Boll 2 Devlog #3 | Hibernation62 days ago
- Boll 2 Devlog #2 | It's finally a game!62 days ago
- Boll 2 Devlog #1 | Introduction!Nov 04, 2024
- Boll Deluxe 2.1.4 Old EngineAug 15, 2024
- Boll Deluxe 2.1.3 Old EngineJun 06, 2024
- Boll Deluxe 2.1.2 Old EngineApr 29, 2024
- Boll Deluxe 2.1 Old Engine PatchSep 29, 2023
- Boll Deluxe 2.1 Old EngineSep 14, 2023
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wait a minute...Co-op mode!?
wowie zowie